Thursday 27 September 2012

Book Week Dress up Day

Wow look at all our fantastic costumes.
Can you guess who is who?

Sunday 23 September 2012

Homefun Week 11

Getting Ready for Next Term: Could you please send to school: 4 HB pencils, 1 glue stick and a whiteboard marker (the children will be using the whiteboard markers next term and will need 1 each). This week I will collect the children’s homefun books on Thursday so they can take them home over the holidays and learn continue with learning their basic words. These words are high frequency words that the children are exposed to in their reading levels, the more they know the quicker they progress through the levels. 
Writing: This week have your child write about their favourite part of this term. Some of the topics mays include Ambury farm, or presenting their book about the trip at the Celebration Assembly or the Father’s Day Breakfast. Just write about anything they have enjoyed this term. 
Spelling: learn these words we will test them on Friday

mum dad we she he go

ABC song words for these letters:

Stop your stomping st  st  st     (x3)        s and t together
Spinning spider sp  sp  sp  (x3)        s and p together
Swing and sway sw  sw  sw (x3)       s and w together
Skip and skate sk  sk  sk   (x3) s and k together

write the number before and after

_  3  _ _  9  _ _ 15 _ _  20  _ _ 14 _ _ 18 _

_ 27 _ _ 30 _ _ 10 _ _ 25  _ _ 33 _ _ 39 _

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Stu Duval Reminder


Stu Duval - Performance week 11, 27th September

As part of book week Stu Duval is visiting the school and performing. Stu weaves his original tales into a one-hour-one-man show, combining Visual Art, Oral Storytelling and Drama. 

The Kiwi/Pukeko Team are book in for the 1st learning block: 9:30-10:30

The cost for this performance is $4.00 per student. Please complete the slip below and return the money in a named envelope (students name/class number). Only children who have paid will attend this event. 


Stu Duval - Performance Week 11, 27th September

Name _________________________________  Class ___________________________

Name _________________________________  Class ___________________________

Name _________________________________  Class ___________________________

  Please find enclosed $4.00 per child

Signature ____________________________

Tuesday 18 September 2012